Jatupon Sukkasem
Dec 28, 2019
Reverse Lookup Dictionary In LiveBook App

Of course that you already know what is a standard dictionary, and may experience some vocabulary lookups in a dictionary app. But what is a reverse lookup dictionary?

A reverse lookup dictionary is a dictionary that also contains all vocabularies, but rather than lookup for meanings, we lookup for words that their meanings contain all of the keywords provided in searching instead so that it is called a reverse lookup dictionary.

For example, when we want to find all of the words relating to "a fruit which has a red color, which is growing on a tree", we might use these three keywords to lookup, eg., red, fruit, and tree.

You may have known an apple already, but do you know that there are cherry, palm, guava, and plum that also are having a red color, too.

Another example, when you are in a sudden-death match between two of an international basketball team, but the commentator is speaking in the English language, which you cannot understand because there are too many technical terms that you aren't familiar with. To cope with that with a reverse lookup dictionary, then use a keyword likes, "basketball".

Now, you can watch the match and enjoy what are the commentator is speaking.

For more example, when you are travel abroad in the United States and you want to learn more about the culture, you might start from a keyword, "American", look around from the results and then add another keyword to make the results more concise in an area that you want to know, like "American president".

Furthermore, you can do these too with LiveBook:

  • Use LiveBook's word grabber to scanning texts and point towards unfamiliar words on books and newspapers to capture and get their definitions in its dictionary which contains more than 150,000 words including technical terms and phrases.
  • Translate those definitions into 64 languages using a highly sophisticated translation engine from Google.
  • Practice pronunciation exercises, which also provide additional feedbacks right from a marvelous native accent dictation and recognition engine of the Apple iOS platform.
  • Analyze complex sentences, which contain multiple clauses and phrases, so that you can understand them.
  • Challenge yourself with quizzes generated from the past lookups.
  • You can use SoftenStorm's LiveBook on airplanes or even in rural areas because it doesn't require the internet.

Don't hesitate to download. It's free on the App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/livebook-scanning-dictionary/id1554018601

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